Sunday Apr 07, 2024

Domain/DNS hosting, account ownership, security issues and TCO

Join us in this insightful episode of Breakfast Bytes with Felicia King, along with our guest Kyle Wentworth of the Wentworth Group. We delve into a balanced exploration of business needs vs IT security needs, demonstrating the magnitude of this issue with a case study of a massive spam operation hijacking over 8000 trusted brand domains.

In this detailed conversation, our experts elucidate steps towards prevention and emphasize the significance of effective domain ownership and control. Kyle highlights the central role of Technology Management departments in mitigating IT risks and stresses the importance of a comprehensive understanding of orderly processes for DNS management, timely publishing of DNS records, and the related cost implications.

This episode underscores the need for operational maturity in businesses, and how maintaining domain infrastructures and adhering to robust protocols can protect your business from digital threats. Listen to gain invaluable insights into how businesses of all sizes can level up their understanding of the intersections of business and IT security systems.

The episode also draws attention to the potential vulnerabilities of newly registered domain names and the common pitfalls relating to outsourcing these functions. We underscore the necessity to take caution or face serious losses and discuss the ramifications of transferring control of key business aspects to external vendors.

With a candid look at the dangers of ill-considered network security and the hazards of transferring all risks to an external IT service provider, we make a strong case for integral security measures. Listen in to gain an understanding of the importance of viewing technology as a business partner rather than an expense and to learn how focusing on strengthening your network security can pave the way for business success.

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